Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Adventures w/ Miss Bella

Oh the joys of life! We had a fun night yesterday. Dan brought Bella to the vet b/c she sounded like she was choking. Well...he came home and she had Kennel Cough....$120 later....then she started throwing up...about 5 times within the next hour. Since Dan was going back to work early the next morning..I had to make the trip by myself w/ Bella AND Kylen. Fun times let me tell you! She ended up being okay...just a shot of fluid and some other thing...and that was it... Then a fun ride home in the snow! Of course that totally threw Kylen's "routine" out of he didn't sleep last night. Oh well...I better go...he's screaming! I can't wait until Dan comes's been a hard day....

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