1. a blankie boy...he has to rub his face on it before he can sleep

2. LOVES Bella
3. favorite shows are Wiggles, Eebee, & Handy Mandy
4. calls my dad Pop Pop
5. almost walking!
6. gets soooo excited when you walk w/ him
7. drinking water is funny
8. growls like a dinosaur
9. knows 3 animal sounds: dog, cat, bird
10. flirt
11. throws food & drinks when he's done...drives me nuts!
12. If he can take off his pants and socks...he will
13. likes jumping in his bed
14. loves to giggle at his Auntie Kelly when she dances
15. a trooper when it comes to shots
16. binkie boy...and I'm dreading the day we take it away
17. LOVES crawling up the stairs and thinks it's funny
18. gives kisses with his mouth open
19. doesn't like his carseat seatbelt
20. likes to talk on the phone
21. ate dog food a few times...yuck!
22. has a new tooth coming down
23. loves the bath ..but hates getting dressed after
24. NY Giants fan...don't tell Dan
25. loves taking pictures...well sometimes!
yes...he's meowing in the last photo..hehe.

Total ditto on #11 (and my kiddo is 20 months!)...drives me INSANE!!!! SOOO sick of cleaning up food off the floor 3 times a day. And ditto on #21...ha! :)
Grandma loves you Kylen!
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