Finally! Kylen slept through the night! Woo Whooo! Mommy got 5 hours of sleep in a row!! Well...after a trip to Best Buy we found out that the computer had a bunch of Spyware on it which means yucky viruses...sooooo $200 and a week later...I have my computer back! I can't believe Kylen is already 2 months. It's amazing how the time has gone by! He's so big - already growing out of his newborn and even some 0-3 month stuff. He's smiling a lot and cooing all the time. We're still having trouble w/ his tummy...little guy's really gassy and gets really mad and upset when he *toots*. We're going next week for his checkup and shots...not looking forward to the shots part..but I'm excited to find out how much he weighs. Bella on the other hand is driving me nuts! She's tearing everything apart! Last night she chewed up a tabletop tripod for the camera (sorry dad) and today she managed to get up the kitchen table which has tall chairs to get a baby shoe...and chewed that up. Ugh! What am I going to do w/ my little girl?!?! Well...mommyhood calls me! 'Till next time!

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