Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Waiting for Little C * Puyallup South Hill Maternity Photographer
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Goodbye ONE! * Fife/Tacoma Child Photographer
Sunday, November 8, 2009
She's Heeeeeeeeeeere!!! * University Place Newborn Photographer
Ladies and gentlemen....meet Miss F. She is 100% perfect in every way. I'm so proud of her mommy (who just happens to be one of my BFFs)! I went over this morning for her debut in front of the camera. I had a hard time picking only 5....so you're in for a treat! ...an extra large sneak peek! Love you R Family...you did great!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A little about me! * Portrait Photographer
Found this on another blog..thought it was fun!
I AM … a mommy, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, coach, photographer :-)
I WANT… my husband's knee to get better
I HAVE … abnormal amount of patience...I don't know where it comes from..hehe
I WISH I COULD … decorate my house better...I think it's too plain
I HATE … the morning when I have to leave Ky to go to work
I FEAR … spiders...they scare me!
I HEAR … Kylen mumbling something w/ his binkie in his mouth
I DON’T THINK … Pepsi and other related beverages are call Pop....it's Soday people! ;-)
I REGRET … not taking the time to really enjoy college life
I LOVE … first graders....oh how I miss being in the classroom - and I LOVE when people comment on my blog entries (*hint* *hint*)
I AM NOT … a morning person! bring on the coffee!
I DANCE … around with Kylen sometimes...yes...I look like a dork when I do it
I SING … in the car....all the time!
I NEVER … get up when the alarm goes off for the first time...most days it's after the snooze alarm goes off for the 3rd time.
I RARELY … go a day or two without checking my email....it's a bad habit
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … a love story..I'm a sucker for romance
I AM NOT ALWAYS …good at answering the phone.
I HATE THAT … my husband has been injured for over a year and it seems like no one is willing to help him/us. GRR!
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT …why my dog likes to chew up my husband's American Eagle shirts...it's so annoying!
I NEED … to take it easy more!
I SHOULD … be doing laundry...but that's no fun!
I HOPE ... that I can inspire others in the world of teaching and photography :-)

Thanks to Heather Mann for the beautiful picture.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween * Fife Child Photographer
Okay...so I'm a day late! The Gueck family made a last minute trip down near Portland to be there for my father-in-law's surgery. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and luckily caught it early on. His surgery went really well and is even up and walking around a little! Kylen spent his 2nd Halloween down there. I tried to do a little session with him...but he wasn't enjoying his costume. (I so need to write Gymboree and ask them to use zippers in their costumes instead of velcro....it was driving Ky crazy!)

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