On a positive note I just found out that I got my first Little Hero. A while back I signed up to be part of The Littlest Hero Project. It's an organization that gives parents free portraits of their child who is suffering from any type of serious illness or life altering disability. The family that I'm going to be working with seems really fun. I can't wait to meet them!
I better get going...Kylen is throwing a fit because I won't let him play with my memory card reader. Please tell me I will survive the toddler years!!!!! ;-)
And.....what's a post w/o a photo???? So...here's one from today. I just received my umbrella and stand to use my flash off camera. I'm in love! This is a snapshot I took today w/o any Photoshop work!!! I can't wait to play some more!!! Kylen wanted you to know that he has a belly button...and yes...he's in a flower pot..anything to contain a toddler...hehe.