Thought I would keep this going...
4 places that I go over and over:
*Park near my mom's house
*Camera store
4 people that email me regularly:
(I get lots of Facebook/MySpace mail..but not a lot of regular e-mails)
*McLain (I love that you always leave blog comments!)
4 of my favorite places to eat:
*Panera Bread
*Spaghetti Factory
*Olive Garden
*Anything pizza!
4 places I'd rather be right now:
*Hawaii (HELLO Liane!!)
*New Jersey
*My house...but the clean!
*Camera store buying a Nikon D700! (only in my dreams!)
4 people I think will reply:
4 shows I watch:
(hiding head in shame...)
*Gossip Girl
*The Hills
*One Tree Hill
*John and Kate Plus 8!