Yesterday I had the opportunity to take team/individual pictures for a youth soccer team on McChord (FC Blues).
Kylen turned 10 months yesterday! I can't believe it...already in the double digits! Last night was TERRIBLE. Kylen kept on waking up screaming and nothing seemed to help him relax! It probably didn't help that I stayed up late editing soccer pictures. When he woke up today, I realized that one of his bottom teeth is starting to come through....explains his grumpy mood over the past couple of days.
Work is getting better. I was really busy getting reading groups going, then adjusting them a little, and starting DIBELS testing (a reading test we give K-5). I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable with things as each day passes....though it was not fun being "chewed" out by an angry parent over a decision I did not make and had to try to explain...ugh! I think things will get better though!
Well, I better get going. I'd like to finish the soccer pictures, so I can get them out hopefully tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!!!!